Start to improve your finances

You want to improve your finances? You want to become wealthy and stop worrying about how to put food on your table every day and pay the bills at the same time? That is the reason I have created this site.

I used to work in service company in north-east Italy and, despite working full time for many years, I was still living at my parents house at 38 years of age and I was not saving much. Obviously I didn’t like that and so I started to investigate and learn how to improve my situation.

And now I want to share what I have learnt (and still learning) with you. I have already shared some guides on this site, but before we can continue we need a recap. The first steps are very important to improve your finances; therefore you need to check to following check-list and be sure to complete all the steps.

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Protect your future with a private pension fund

Once you have created an emergency fund, the next step to improve your finances is to create a private pension fund to protect your retirement.

Now? Yes!!! You may think you still have many years, if not decades, before your retirement, but it will arrive. And you will discover that you will be too tired to keep working, but you will still need money yo pay your expenses. And by having made your budget, you know approximately how much you spend; now multiply that by 20, the average number of years you will spend in retirement.

And it will be hard to save money then; so why not save them now? After all a dollar saved now is not the same of a dollar saved later. Why? Because of compounding interests! Any dollar that you save now will multiply over time due to interests; and that will be automatic. So it is an opportunity for free money you should not miss.

Protect your future with a private pension fund

This is part of the first steps on how to improve your finances.

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Build your emergency fund on a saving account

After you optimized your budget, you should have started to have at least 10% of your net income available each month. The best first step to a better finance is to build your emergency fund.

An emergency fund is a reserve of money that will help you on dire situations. We are talking about the loss of your job or a debilitating illness; the emergency fund is not for a fancy expense like an 8K TV or the latest smartphone (you will need a separate saving for those).

Unfortunately such bad events cannot be planned, therefore it is important to have the resources available to cover for them.

This is part of the first steps on how to improve your finances.

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